Sponsors of 2024/25 Season
League Rules & Constitution 2024/25
1.TITLE The League shall be called the Merthyr & District Snooker League.
The League will consist of Teams Accepted by all current delegates and with an application prior to any AGM. Teams will only be permitted to join by a clear satisfied vote.
a.If registration is accepted then the joining team/s then become official members and are obliged to accept all rules that the league carry.
b.All Teams Must be presented at the monthly Scheduled Meetings.
c.The League will issue a full schedule of dates prior to any season. Including information regarding Contacts, Web addresses and any Procedures.
d.All teams joining the Merthyr Snooker League agree to abide by all the League Rules plus automatically
grant permission for allowing Live streaming of events within the League.
The League committee will be formed with Officers and Sub Officers, All Officers to be voted into position within an AGM, thereafter holding their position for 2 years. All Sub Officers are made up within teams of the league, Past or Present and are voted annually.
a.Only 1 Person from each team may join the committee.
b.Officers Roles will constitute the following positions
President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Fixture Secretary, Treasurer.
If Any officer misses 3 meetings within any season then their position becomes vacant.
c.Members must be Minimum of 2 Representatives.
d.All above positions hold voting powers as long as a delegate from their respective team is absent.
The chairman is the exception to this rule that will have a casting vote in the event of any tie.
The treasurer will be responsible for all finances and ensure all funds are held within a bank Account approved by the League Committee.
a.A Report will be issued at all Monthly Meetings by The treasurer outlining current funds.
b.Any Withdrawals/ Cheques issued to be Signed/Authorised by Treasurer & 1 other Officer.
c.Treasurer will ensure Solvency at all times, By depositing all funds into a bank account.
d.Dissolution - If it is agreed to dissolve the League then all remaining money and any assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be equally shared back between the current season team members.
e.Season Entry Fees to be determined at every AGM and notified to all Teams,
f.The Entry Fee allows registration of up to 12 players, if a team/s uses more than the limited registered players then a £2 charge is payable for Each additional Player used.
g.All Individual Tournaments are paid in addition to the entry fee. These amounts will be determined at Every AGM.
h.ALL Fees Must be cleared by MID SEASON 31st December. Failure will impose Fines (See Fines).
i.Fines -Fees Chart
a.A team will be made up by ………6…….. Players (determined annually).
b. A Match will go ahead with a minimum of 3 players.
c.In the event of a game being played and one side not having a full team then the match will stand with the defaulting team forfeiting the points. (These become Wins for the opposite side and count as 1 point).
a. All new team(s) wishing to enter the league must be approved by the delegates with New team(s) placed in a division of the league at the management committee's discretion if necessary.
b.All teams for the forthcoming season must be registered at the A.G.M and a player delegate must be Present.
b.Each team must register ALL players on the registration date or when notified of alternative date.
c.Any New player Entries cease on January 31st that being the last month that any registration can be accepted by the secretary. No club can play a new player without first obtaining permission from the League.
d.Players can only play for one club only.
e.Teams may register up to two players outside the normal area subject to the conditions laid down in the Rules.
f.Player transfers require permission from the secretary, If a player has played in the current season then they are not permitted to transfer for the entire season. If a Transfer is granted then a £2 fee is payable.
g.All players are eligible to play in any fixture as long as they are complying with rule (6c). Any player that has not participated in the league or Played 4 matches throughout the season will not be permitted to play in Semi Finals or Final.
a.All Team Matches to be Played on a Monday Night. Individual Tournament days will vary according to requirements. Semi Finals & Finals will be Scheduled for Mondays/ Thursdays listed in Advance on Fixtures.
b.The League Will be made up of 2 or more Divisions, determined each season upon registration entries with all teams playing under the WPBSA Rules (Amended 2022).
c.The League operates the Full (Foul & Miss Rule),
d.Variation of the above rule(7c) has been implemented for Lower division Team Fixtures and Divisional 1 Cup only which are:, Foul and Miss to be called for a maximum of 3 times, if the ball on is not achieved legally within the 3 TIMES. It can be replaced for the last time.
e.Fixtures will be published by the fixture secretary before the commencement of any new season.
f.Team Fixture dates may be postponed Only after the Secretary grants permission and also if its Not Less Than
48 Hours Notice.
Any Postponement of a Match requires permission of the Secretary, Only then will it be permissible to reschedule the match. Any Postponed match must be played before or on the OPEN DATES listed on the fixtures. Failure to play by the dates listed will become VOID. it is the responsibility of the defaulting team to ensure the match is rescheduled and played.
g.If for any Reason the Match is postponed and the Committee has to intervene then This decision will be made by the committee who has the Final Decision.
h.NO POSTPONEMENT of Matches are Permitted Within the last 4 Weeks of the SEASON.
i.All dates are set for the entire season including individual Tournament dates which must stay static without any amendment unless for extreme circumstances. (Secretary must be informed ASAP).
a. Each match is awarded on frames won, One Point per frame will be awarded.
b.League tables will be maintained by the league throughout the season, If Teams are equal on points at the end of any season then Play-offs will be required to determine positions.
c.Points will be awarded for frames as long as players are registered. Any Player not registered will revoke any winning Point gained.
d.Points Awarding Table Below
a. All matches to commence by 7.15pm for Venues with 1 Table Use, 7.45pm for 2 Table Venues.
a.See (5b & 9a).
b.To determine the draw for the night Both Captains shall Place into a hat their team Players Names and then the Captains will DRAW each player from their opponents cards, Writing the name accordingly onto the match card in order they are selected.
c.If a team has insufficient players then BLANKS must be included into the draw. Blanks become Byes.
d.The Opposite captain then repeats this procedure, doing the same on the Match Card.
e.The HOME captain then selects the order they wish to play each frame from the Paired Frames on the card.
f. If one or more frames are not played, no score/Data should be entered other than a point per frame.
g.Any Player arriving late are permitted to play as long as they arrive before their frame commences. Captains are required to inform their opponents if a player is late before matches commence.
a.Results Cards will be issued by the the fixture secretary at the beginning of the season.
b.It is the responsibility of the home captain to ensure the results Card is properly filled out on the night of the match and signed by both captains with all Score data correct including any breaks.
c.Home Captain must forward the Match card, On night of match or latest 24hrs of the Match, to the Secretary by electronic means, SMS etc.
The Hard Copy of the result sheet then to be handed in at the next Meeting.
d.FAILURE to comply with this will incur a fine of £2 or Possibly Deduction of Points.
a.In the event of a team failing to turn up without giving 48 hrs notice or granted Postponement, will be fined not less than £10.00p with any justifiable expenses claimed by their opponents The match will then be awarded 6-0 to the opposing team and the Failing Team Deducted 2pts.
a.League meetings shall be held mainly on the first Tuesday of each month unless otherwise notified.
Should it be deemed necessary to call a meeting at any time(EGM), it is the secretary's responsibility to inform all clubs of the meeting by text or Phone Call.
b.Each team must elect its own representative and if this person is unable to attend, another person should be nominated as a replacement to attend any general meeting. Should a team fail to send a delegate for two successive meetings, 1 point will be deducted from the team's division total. In addition, see fines table.
Dress code is Applied for Semi Finals & Finals which are Collared Shirt / Polo, Polo /Jumper, Trousers and Shoes.
a.All Home drawn players in any singles or doubles matches must offer within 7 days of the published draw, three dates to their opponent(s). Should problems arise in arranging a match, the fixture secretary must be NOTIFIED immediately. (Failure to notify will lead to the matter not being addressed/Possible Scratched).
b.The Fixture Secretary will take control of any problematic matches. Where players fail to observe this rule (14.a), both sides will automatically be scratched from the competition unless evidence is provided to the secretary that all attempts have been made.
c. The Committee will provide a decision on all Matches that are reported. The Committee decision is Final.
d. Any Singles or Doubles match that results in Both Players / Pairs being eliminated from a tournament will not be permitted to enter the Individual Tournaments the following season. ( Banned for 1 Season Only).
e.Any Player/s match Not played will not automatically qualify them for any Plate Draw.
f.All Deadline Dates issued at commencement of the Season for each round MUST be maintained. If any match is not played by the date set will become void subject to rule (14.b)
g.Full World Rules are applicable in all Individual Tournaments (Singles & Doubles). There is no Handicaps or Modifications for these events.
h.Draws for Singles & Doubles will be made at the Monthly league Meetings and published within 24hrs of the Draw.
i.Venues will be allocated for each event, however, initial rounds , Not including semi finals or Finals are played as First Drawn Played at Players Home Venue.
j.Semi Finals & Finals will be attended in DRESS CODE (Rule 14), venues will be allocated nearer the scheduled date taking into account, where possible, Neutral Venues/Tables for all Players concerned. The League will also attempt to provide a referee and TD for all Semi's & Finals.
k.Any High breaks achieved within these Tournaments are not permitted as entries onto the High Break ladder.
a.League Cup Draws will be made at a monthly meeting where possible, Cup rounds other than the Final and Semi-Final will be played on a home and away basis. The first team drawn out will be the home team for the first leg and the away team for the second leg.
b.Semi Finals and Finals matches will be played in Dress Code (14) within neutral clubs on a basis of one frame per player. The first and second legs will be played on the dates of which will are set on the Fixture Sheet.
c.All Finals matches will be played on a 1 frame at a time basis.(Single Table).
d.Handicaps are applicable to Teams in Lower Divisions who Play a Higher division side, (Mainly designed for the Consolation Cup Only). In this Instance the Lower Division Players receive 15 points per player and entered onto the scoreboard prior to commencement.
e.Players eligible to play in a Team Cup match must have played at least 4 occasions through the current season.
a.Each year the league will provide (funds permitting),Cash Awards, medals or plaques to the league champions, and suitable presentations to all the winners of league organised competitions.
The league will also (funds permitting) provide suitable runner up awards for all its competitions. All trophies being of equal value.
b. Annual Trophies are to be returned to the league prior to new seasons presentation in the same condition is was received.
c. If for any reason a Cup is lost or Damaged the league will issue a request to the last Winner/s of the Trophy for re-imbursement of a New replacement Trophy of the Same value. This also applies for any repair of a returned Trophy.
a.Each Season the league will award a suitable award to the players, top break from each division. who makes the highest break in any league Fixture matches ONLY, a Single frame match.
b. There is a Award for The Highest Break overall which is covered when playing Individual Matches. This is separate to Match night High Breaks.
b.High Breaks within Individual tournaments will not be included.
c.A new Award commencing 2022/23, will be for Most wins,(Best Stats) in each Division, Sponsored by J.G Property Developing. A shield and cash award will be presented however the shield is returnable annually with Rule 16c applicable..
Presentation night will take place annually if elected to do so at the AGM. A venue will be sort and date allocated for the event. All Delegates will be issued with advertising material for the presentation. Any player absent on the presentation night, without a valid reason or representation by another will not receive their award/prizes.
a.In the event of a club either resigning or being expelled from the league, all players affected, if they wish, can sign for another club for a fee of £1 per player before the closing date of 31st of September.
b.The said clubs record shall be deleted from the competition unless, in the opinion of the league management committee, the deletion of the clubs record towards the end of the season will tend to give an advantage or upset the clear and just claims of the champions and runners-up of that league. The settlement of the league table shall be left in the hands of the league management committee.
a.No Amendment may be made to any league rules except by the decision arrived at/in the AGM meeting .
b.Any Suggestion of amendment to any rule held within this constitution or rules must be made in writing and supplied to the League secretary.
c.Any change of Motion must be in writing and supplied 7 days before an AGM.
a.All clubs may have restrictions in place; it is the responsibility of the Captain that they are aware of ANY RESTICTIONS THAT CAUSE THEM NOT TO BE ABLE TO PLAY IN ANY VENUE.
b.In the case of matches having to be arranged by the league on neutral tables, clubs are requested to co-operate by placing their facilities at the disposal of the league. Permission to sell raffle tickets etc. must be obtained from the relevant club committee before any tickets are sold.
a.Any matters arising, which are not covered by the rules, will be dealt with by the league management committee.
24. AGM
a.All Teams must attend the annual AGM, A player delegate can be appointed to attend.
b.Non attendance of an AGM by any delegate will impose a £20 fine, Any Delegates/Teams that do not attend have 7 Days to inform the secretary that they wish to register for the forthcoming season. If this procedure is followed then relegation will not apply.
a.All protests must be made in writing and lodged with the League secretary not later than 72 hours after the incident has taken place.
All decisions by the League Management & its Officers will be regarded as final.